Uruguay, April 2023
We are a company with a strong leadership presence in the national meatpacking industry for the past 40 years. We are recognized as a benchmark for quality, safety, legality, and product authenticity.
The most important pillar is the continuous improvement of the culture of quality and safety throughout the company. We project ourselves to the world by promoting the sustainable management of our activities, for which we commit to environmental and social protection.
The principles of our integrated management system are the following:
- Our people, with a clear commitment and labor competence in each of their responsibilities.
- Technology, for this we bet on the latest in the sector in the world.
- The satisfaction of our customers.
- Having reliable suppliers.
- Clear and effective communication channels with all parties involved in our activity.
- Provide the necessary resources to meet all legal and regulatory requirements applicable to our activity both nationally and internationally.
- Work on continuous improvement as a permanent element of improvement.
The principles of our quality, safety, legality and authenticity management of the product are the following:
- Train our staff in proper hygienic practices (good manufacturing procedures) to ensure handling that does not put the safety of the product at risk.
- Maintain active communication with clients and regulatory entities to ensure compliance with all the requirements applicable to our product.
- Control our products and processes.
The principles of our environmental management are the following
- Prevent the negative effects of our activities that may derive on the environment, aiming at the recycling and revaluation of liquid effluents and solid waste.
- The adequate use of natural resources, monitoring the use of water seeking the greatest efficiency in its use.
- Reducing the use of energy, seeking energy efficiency in our processes.
The principles of our social management are the following:
Our commitment and responsibility to society, is through the promotion and fulfillment of human rights and social improvement activities in the area linked to the company.
- Promoting the well-being of our staff through health and safety care, as well as promoting inclusion and gender equality in our activity.
The principles of our security management in the logistics chain are the following:
- Maintain personnel management that guarantees reliable personnel.
- Count on reliable suppliers throughout all our logistics chain.
- Monitor any situation that may generate illegal activity.
- Ensure the security of our facilities by maintaining strict access control to points considered vulnerable.
The Directors of the company are responsible for ensuring compliance and execution of this policy throughout the organization
Uruguay, January 2023.
At Frigorifico Las Piedras we work to ensure transparency and responsibility in our business.
To achieve this, the company is opposed to any illegal act or activity and corruption, extortion and embezzlement in any of its forms are prohibited.
Any person who detects an illegal situation or who suspects an illegal situation must notify their superior immediately so that the company can manage the situation, firstly preventing it from taking place and secondly minimizing the impact it has.
Frigorifico Las Piedras promotes a culture of integrity and transparency both among its staff and among the interested parties linked to the company.
We work to ensure there is no conflict of interest both when hiring personnel and services.
Frigorifico Las Piedras is committed to treating all its staff equally. Discrimination of any kind is not allowed.
The good bond between the staff is strengthened, ensuring respectful treatment in all bonds.
The information of clients and staff is treated with adequate confidentiality, thus preventing it from reaching anyone who may make inappropriate use of it; The use of this information for purposes other than those required for the company’s activity is absolutely prohibited.
There is an adequate control of the company’s funds, ensuring cross-checks that prevent misuse of funds, and make it possible to detect any situation of bribery or corruption.
No economic contribution is supported or made to politicians or political parties.
The personnel is not allowed to make or receive gifts, recognitions, benefits or attention from our clients, suppliers or public officials of entities that regulate our activity; except business gifts received for recognized holidays (for example, end-of-year gifts).
Uruguay, January 2023.
Frigorífico las Piedras respects diversity and with a constant offer of employment, we promote the reduction of social inequalities.
We are committed to promoting a work environment based on trust and mutual commitment, guaranteeing effective equality of opportunity and treatment for all workers, ensuring, without exception, the possibility of personal and professional development.
Discriminatory practices are rejected, whether distinction, exclusion or preference, that undermine the dignity of people, nullify or alter equal opportunities and treatment in all activities carried out in the company; particularly in those related to hiring, promotion, training, definition of remuneration, dismissal or retirement of personnel.
Discrimination is not accepted for any reason, including: ethnicity, color, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, social class, marital status, health status, specific circumstances such as pregnancy, organizations of belonging, having presented complaints or claims, political affiliation, cultural affiliation.

Sr. José González

Dr. Alberto González